July 2002
The following list contains every non-foil card produced for the Star Trek Customizable
Card Game from the Premiere Set (November 1994) through The Motion Pictures
expansion (April 2002). The list is organized by card type and includes the
rarity and set for each card.
Dual-affliation cards are listed under the affiliation corresponding to the
card’s border color (alternate-color border cards are marked with * next
to the expansion abbreviation, e.g., *Voy).
Key to Rarity
C | Common |
C* | Common, Starter Deck only (DS9) |
U | Uncommon |
R | Rare |
R* | Bonus Rare (occurs in a two-rare pack) |
R+ | Rare Plus (33% more rare than R) |
UR | Ultra-Rare |
SR | Super Rare (The Fajo Collection) |
S | Starter Deck only (Voyager) |
P | Premium |
Pv | Preview |
Key to Expansions
Prem | Premiere |
AU | Alternate Universe |
QC | Q-Continuum |
2PG | Introductory Two-Player Game |
1A | First Anthology |
Fajo | The Fajo Collection |
FC | First Contact |
AT | Away Team Pack |
OTSD | Official Tournament Sealed Deck |
DS9 | Deep Space Nine |
SD2 | Starter Deck II |
EFC | Enhanced First Contact |
Dom | The Dominion |
BoG | Blaze of Glory |
RoA | Rules of Acquisition |
2A | Second Anthology |
TWT | The Trouble With Tribbles |
EP | Enhanced Premiere |
MM | Mirror, Mirror |
Voy | Voyager |
Borg | The Borg |
HA | Holodeck Adventures |
TMP | The Motion Pictures |
? 1st Rule of Acquisition C RoA
? 6th Rule of Acquisition C RoA
? 33rd Rule of Acquisition U RoA
? 34th Rule of Acquisition U RoA
? 35th Rule of Acquisition U MM
? 47th Rule of Acquisition U RoA
? 59th Rule of Acquisition U RoA
? 62nd Rule of Acquisition C TWT
? 75th Rule of Acquisition U RoA
? 211th Rule of Acquisition C RoA
? Abandon Mission R FC
? Activate Subcommands C FC
? Activate Subcommands C Borg
? Alas, Poor Drone U Borg
? Alien Probe U Prem
? Ancestral Vision R Voy
? Anti-Time Anomaly R Prem
? Atmospheric Ionization C Prem
? Automated Security System R DS9
? Bajoran Civil War R DS9
? Barber Pole U QC
? Baryon Buildup C AU
? Blood Screening U MM
? Brainwash R QC
? Bynars Data Transfer U HA
? Bynars Weapon Enhancement R Prem
? Calamarain R QC
? Captain’s Log U AU
? Captain’s Log U Voy
? Computer Crash U DS9
? Cranial Transceiver Implant C Borg
? Crew Reassignment U Dom
? Defense System Upgrade U BoG
? Defiant Dedication Plaque R DS9
? Dial Martok for Murder U BoG
? Discommendation U QC
? Disengage Safety Protocols U FC
? Distortion Field U Prem
? Dominion War Efforts C HA
? Doppelganger R QC
? Drag Net R QC
? Drought Tree C QC
? Duj Saq C TMP
? Duranja R DS9
? E-Band Emissions R BoG
? Engage Shuttle Operations U AU
? Engage Shuttle Operations: Dominion U BoG
? Espionage: Bajoran on Cardassian U DS9
? Espionage: Cardassian on Bajoran U DS9
? Espionage: Cardassian on Federation U DS9
? Espionage: Cardassian on Klingon U DS9
? Espionage – Dominion on Federation C Dom
? Espionage – Dominion on Klingon C Dom
? Espionage – Dominion on Romulan C Dom
? Espionage: Federation On Klingon C Prem
? Espionage: Klingon On Federation C Prem
? Espionage: Romulan on Bajoran U DS9
? Espionage: Romulan on Cardassian U DS9
? Espionage: Romulan On Federation C Prem
? Espionage: Romulan On Klingon C Prem
? Establish Landing Protocols C DS9
? Fair Play U Dom
? Fair Play U Voy
? Fajo’s Gallery R BoG
? Fal-tor-pan C TMP
? Ferengi Financial Data Net R HA
? Gaps In Normal Space U Prem
? Genetronic Replicator U Prem
? Goddess of Empathy R Prem
? Heisenberg Compensators U QC
? Holo-projectors U Prem
? Holo-projectors U HA
? HQ: War Room U DS9
? I Am Not A Merry Man! R QC
? I Just Love Scanning for Life-forms R TMP
? Immortal Again U QC
? Intermix Ratio U FC
? Interrogation R AU
? Intruder Force Field U AU
? Invasive Beam-In C Dom
? Isomagnetic Disintegrator U TMP
? Kal-Toh U Voy
? Kivas Fajo – Collector U Prem
? Klim Dokachin U AU
? Klingon Civil War R QC
? Lore Returns R Prem
? Lore’s Fingernail R Prem
? Lower Decks U AU
? Lower Decks U Voy
? Masaka Transformations U Prem
? Meditation U Borg
? Memory Wipe P SD2
? Metaphasic Shields U Prem
? Mirror Image U FC
? Mission Debriefing U FC
? Mission Debriefing U Voy
? Mot’s Advice U AU
? Neural Servo Device U Prem
? Nutational Shields U Prem
? Ocular Implants R FC
? Omega Particle U Borg
? Oo-mox C HA
? Organian Peace Treaty C TWT
? Particle Scattering Field C AU
? Pattern Enhancers C Prem
? Plasma Fire C Prem
? Q-Net C Prem
? Quantum Slipstream Drive C Borg
? Raise The Stakes U Prem
? Reaction Control Thrusters C DS9
? Recruit Mercenaries R DS9
? Red Alert! C Prem
? Regenerate R FC
? Renewal Scroll U DS9
? Res-Q C Prem
? Retask R FC
? Revolving Door R AU
? Rishon Uxbridge C AU
? Sisko 197 Subroutine U Dom
? Spacedock C Prem
? Static Warp Bubble C Prem
? Subspace Transporter C TWT
? Subspace Warp Rift C Prem
? Supernova R Prem
? System 5 Disruptors R DS9
? Tactical Console U Dom
? Telepathic Alien Kidnappers U Prem
? Temporal Investigations C TWT
? Tetryon Field C Prem
? The Big Picture U BoG
? The Big Picture U Voy
? The Charybdis U AU
? The Line Must Be Drawn Here C FC
? The Mask of Korgano C AU
? The Next Emanation C Voy
? The Traveler: Transcendence U Prem
? Thermal Deflectors U AU
? To Be Or Not To Be U TMP
? Torture R BoG
? Transfiguration U QC
? Treaty: Bajoran/Dominion C Dom
? Treaty: Bajoran/Klingon U DS9
? Treaty: Cardassian/Bajoran C TWT
? Treaty: Cardassian/Dominion C Dom
? Treaty: Federation/Bajoran C DS9
? Treaty: Federation/Cardassian C DS9
? Treaty: Federation/Dominion C MM
? Treaty: Federation/Klingon C Prem
? Treaty: Federation/Romulan C Prem
? Treaty: Federation/Romulan/Klingon P OTSD
? Treaty: Romulan/Bajoran C TWT
? Treaty: Romulan/Cardassian U DS9
? Treaty: Romulan/Dominion C Dom
? Treaty: Romulan/Klingon C Prem
? Villagers With Torches C Voy
? Wall of Ships R FC
? Warp Core Breach R Prem
? Wartime Conditions R AU
? We Are The Borg P EFC
? Weapons Locker C DS9
? Where No One Has Gone Before C Prem
? Yellow Alert C AU
? Zalkonian Storage Capsule R QC
? Central Command R DS9
? Chamber of Ministers R DS9
? Continuing Committee R RoA
? Office of the President R Dom
? Office of the Proconsul R Dom
? Terran Rebellion HQ R MM
? The Great Hall R Dom
? The Great Link R Dom
? Tower of Commerce R RoA
? Bajoran Outpost C DS9
? Borg Outpost C FC
? Borg Outpost C Borg
? Cardassian Outpost C DS9
? Federation Outpost C Prem
? Ferengi Outpost C RoA
? Ferengi Trading Post P SD2
? Hirogen Outpost C Borg
? Husnock Outpost P OTSD
? Kazon Outpost C Voy
? Klaestron Outpost C DS9
? Klingon Empire Outpost C MM
? Klingon Outpost C Prem
? Nekrit Supply Depot S Voy
? Neutral Outpost C AU
? Primary Supply Depot C Dom
? Remote Supply Depot C Dom
? Romulan Outpost C Prem
? Terran Outpost C MM
? Transwarp Hub R HA
? Unicomplex R+ Borg
? Vidiian Outpost C Voy
? Alliance Nor C MM
? Colony C QC
? Deep Space 9/Terok Nor R DS9
? Deep Space Station K-7 R TWT
? Empok Nor R Dom
? Mirror Terok Nor R+ MM
? Nor C DS9
? Terraforming Station R QC
? Access Denied U BoG
? Add Distinctiveness P EFC
? Agony Booth U MM
? Blood Oath R BoG
? Blue Alert C Voy
? Bodyguards U RoA
? Bribery C RoA
? Captured U BoG
? Caretaker’s Array R Voy
? Ceti Eel C TMP
? Chain Reaction Ricochet R TWT
? Children of Light C HA
? Clone Machine R HA
? Containment Field C Voy
? Cortical Node Implant C Borg
? Crossover C MM
? Cybernetics Expertise C HA
? Dabo U RoA
? Delta Quadrant Spatial Scission C Voy
? Emblem of the Alliance C MM
? Emblem of the Empire C MM
? Emergency Evacuation C RoA
? Feedback Surge U Borg
? Handshake U Voy
? Hirogen Hunt C Borg
? Holoprogram: 221B Baker Street C HA
? Holoprogram: Deadwood C HA
? Holoprogram: Noah’s Mountain Retreat C HA
? Holoprogram: The Fortress of Doom C HA
? Holoprogram: The Office of Dixon Hill C HA
? Home Away From Home C Voy
? Homefront U TWT
? Hostage Trade C MM
? HQ: Ferengi Credit Exchange U RoA
? HQ: Orbital Weapons Platform R TWT
? In the Zone C HA
? Intruder Alert! U BoG
? It’s Only a Game U RoA
? Jem’Hadar Shrouding C HA
? Long Live the Queen R BoG
? Make It So R TWT
? Nightmare P EFC
? No Way Out U MM
? Obelisk of Masaka U TWT
? Panel Overload C TWT
? Population 9 Billion – All Borg P EFC
? Prisoner Exchange U BoG
? Protection Racket R RoA
? Q the Referee U TWT
? Quark’s Isolinear Rods R RoA
? Reactor Overload U RoA
? Release This Pain C TMP
? Relics of the Chase U Borg
? Resistance is Futile R TWT
? Rituals of the Hunt C Borg
? Scanner Interference U BoG
? Service The Collective P EFC
? Sniper U BoG
? Sphere Encounter P EFC
? The Art of Diplomacy R MM
? The Kazon Collective C Voy
? The Vidiian Sodality C Voy
? Tongo R HA
? Transporter Mixup U MM
? Tribble Bomb U TWT
? Ultimatum U BoG
? Vidiian Boarding Claw R Voy
? War Council R Voy
? We Look For Things U TWT
? White Deprivation C HA
? Writ of Accountability R RoA
? A Change of Plans C FC
? Activate Tractor Beam C DS9
? Adapt: Modulate Shields U FC
? Adapt: Modulate Shields U Borg
? Adapt: Negate Obstruction C FC
? Adapt: Negate Obstruction C Borg
? Alas, Poor Queen R FC
? Alien Groupie R Prem
? All Threes U HA
? Amanda Rogers U Prem
? Android Headlock R FC
? Anti-Matter Spread C AU
? Arbiter of Succession R QC
? Assimilate This! R FC
? Assimilation Tubules U FC
? Asteroid Sanctuary C Prem
? Attack Pattern Delta U BoG
? Auto-Destruct Sequence U Prem
? Auto-Destruct Sequence U Voy
? Awaken C FC
? Awaken C Borg
? Barclay Transporter Phobia U AU
? Baseball R DS9
? Beyond The Subatomic C Voy
? Borg Kiss R FC
? Borg Neuroprocessor R FC
? Brain Drain U AU
? Burial Ground U TWT
? Caught Red-Handed C Dom
? Counterintelligence U BoG
? Countermanda C AU
? Crosis R Prem
? Data, Keep Dealing U HA
? Data Laughing P 2PG
? Data’s Medals C QC
? Deactivation C FC
? Dead In Bed U AU
? Destroy Radioactive Garbage Scow C AU
? Devidian Foragers C AU
? Disruptor Overload C Prem
? Distortion of Space/Time Continuum U Prem
? Distortion Of Space/Time Continuum U Voy
? Docking Procedures C DS9
? Dropping In U DS9
? Emergency Transporter Armbands C Prem
? End Transmission C QC
? Energy Vortex U Prem
? Escape Pod C Prem
? Escape Pod C Voy
? Extraordinary Methods U DS9
? Eyes In The Dark C AU
? Fire Sculptor C AU
? Flight of the Intruder U Dom
? Fractal Encryption Code U FC
? Full Planet Scan U Prem
? Going To The Top R DS9
? Hail C AU
? He Will Make an Excellent Drone U FC
? Hidden Fighter U DS9
? Honor Challenge R Prem
? Howard Heirloom Candle C AU
? Hugh R Prem
? Humuhumunukunukuapua’a C AU
? I Do Not Take Orders From You! U TMP
? I’m a Doctor, Not a Bartender C HA
? I'm a Doctor, Not a Bricklayer U MM
? I’m a Doctor, Not a Doorstop U FC
? In the Bag C Dom
? Incoming Message: Attack Authorization U AU
? Incoming Message – Bajoran U DS9
? Incoming Message – Cardassian U DS9
? Incoming Message – Federation U Prem
? Incoming Message – Ferengi C RoA
? Incoming Message – Klingon U Prem
? Incoming Message – Romulan U Prem
? Inside Operation R BoG
? Isabella U AU
? I’ve Been Waiting For You U HA
? Jaglom Shrek – Information Broker R Prem
? Jamaharon C AU
? Jem’Hadar Sacrifice C Dom
? Kevin Uxbridge U Prem
? Kevin Uxbridge: Convergence C AU
? Klingon Death Yell R Prem
? Klingon Painstik U QC
? Klingon Right of Vengeance C Prem
? La Forge Maneuver U AU
? Latinum Payoff C AU
? Life-Form Scan U Prem
? Live Long and Prosper C TWT
? Long-Range Scan C Prem
? Loss of Orbital Stability C Prem
? Lure of the Nexus C TMP
? Magnetic North U DS9
? Mercy Kill U FC
? Multivector Assault Mode U Borg
? Mutation U Voy
? Nanoprobe Resuscitation C Voy
? Narrow Escape U Borg
? Near-Warp Transport U Prem
? No, Kirk… The Game’s Not Over C TMP
? Obedience Brings Victory U TWT
? Off Switch C QC
? Oof! U DS9
? Orb Experience U DS9
? Outgunned R BoG
? Palor Toff – Alien Trader C Prem
? Parallax Arguers C QC
? Particle Fountain C Prem
? Phaser Array Power Cell C BoG
? Phaser Burns C AU
? Plexing C QC
? Prefix Code Transmission C TMP
? Preparation U DS9
? Prisoner Escort C BoG
? Protouniverse R DS9
? Q2 U Prem
? Qapla’! SR Fajo
? Quinn R Voy
? Reclamation C DS9
? Remember the Alamo C HA
? Remodulation U FC
? Rescue Captives U AU
? Rogue Borg Mercenaries C Prem
? Romulan Ambush U AU
? Scan C Prem
? Scan Cycle Check C TWT
? Scorched Hand U FC
? Security Sacrifice C AU
? Seize Wesley R AU
? Senior Staff Meeting U AU
? Sense the Borg U FC
? Shape-Shift U Dom
? Ship Seizure C Prem
? Shipwreck R FC
? Small Oversight C HA
? Smoke Bomb U DS9
? Smooth as an Android’s Bottom? U TMP
? Strike Three C Dom
? Subspace Interference C Prem
? Subspace Schism U Prem
? Suicidal Attack C TWT
? Tachyon Detection Grid C Prem
? Temporal Narcosis U AU
? Temporal Rift U Prem
? Temporal Wake R FC
? The Devil R Prem
? The Gift U Voy
? The Guardian U BoG
? The Juggler U Prem
? The Needs of the Many… C TMP
? The Phage C Voy
? The Power C Voy
? The Wake of the Borg U BoG
? The Walls Have Ears R DS9
? Thine Own Self C AU
? Three-Dimensional Thinking R FC
? Time To Reconsider U DS9
? Transwarp Conduit U Prem
? Unnatural Causes U DS9
? Vacuum-Desiccated Remains C RoA
? Victory is Life C BoG
? Vorgon Raiders R AU
? Vulcan “Death Grip” U MM
? Vulcan Mindmeld U Prem
? Vulcan Nerve Pinch C AU
? Weak Spot R FC
? What Does God Need With A Starship? R TMP
? Wolf U AU
? Wormhole C Prem
? Wormhole Navigation Schematic U DS9
? Wrong Door U QC
? You Dirty Rat U Dom
? Dixon Hill’s Business Card SR Fajo
? A Good Day to Live R BoG
? A Good Place to Die C 2PG
? Access Relay Station R DS9
? Acquire Illicit Explosives C* DS9
? Acquire Technology U Voy
? Aftermath U Voy
? Agricultural Assessment U TWT
? Aid Fugitives R DS9
? Alter Records U DS9
? Ambush Ship U Voy
? Analyze Radiation C TMP
? Answer Distress Signal U Voy
? Archanis Dispute U Dom
? Assist Cooperative U Voy
? Avert Danger C 2PG
? Avert Disaster R Prem
? Bat’leth Tournament U BoG
? Betazed Invasion R Dom
? Bioweapon Ruse U Dom
? Botanical Research P SD2
? Brute Force R AU
? Camping Trip R DS9
? Cargo Rendezvous C 2PG
? Catalog Phenomena C Voy
? Changeling Research R DS9
? Characterize Neutrino Emissions C* DS9
? Chart Stellar Cluster R BoG
? Cloaked Mission U Prem
? Collect Sample C RoA
? Colony Preparations U DS9
? Combat Training U Voy
? Compromised Mission R AU
? Construct Depot C Dom
? Contact Resistance C Voy
? Corner Enemy Ship U Borg
? Covert Installation C Prem
? Covert Installation II P EP
? Covert Rescue U Prem
? Cultural Observation R Prem
? Cure Blight R DS9
? Cure Deadly Virus R Voy
? Deliver Message U RoA
? Deliver Supplies C* DS9
? Diplomacy Mission U Prem
? Diplomatic Conference R AU
? Disrupt Alliance U MM
? Distress Mission C 2PG
? Eliminate Virus C* DS9
? Espionage Mission R FC
? Establish Home Planet U HA
? Establish Relations P OTSD
? Establish Settlement U Borg
? Establish Station C* DS9
? Evacuation U Prem
? Evaluate Terraforming R Prem
? Excavation C Prem
? Excavation II P EP
? Explore Black Cluster R Prem
? Explore Black Cluster II P EP
? Explore Dyson Sphere R Prem
? Explore Interstellar Matter P OTSD
? Explore Typhon Expanse II P EP
? Explore Typhone Expanse R Prem
? Expose Covert Supply U Prem
? Expose Plot U Voy
? Extraction R Prem
? Feldomite Rush U MM
? Fever Emergency C Prem
? FGC-47 Research R AU
? First Contact U Prem
? Fissure Research R AU
? Gault C 2PG
? Geological Survey P SD2
? Gravesworld C 2PG
? Gunrunning U RoA
? Heal Life-Form U Voy
? Historical Research U MM
? Homeward C 2PG
? Hostage Situation C 2PG
? Hunt Alien U Borg
? Hunt for DNA Program R Prem
? Iconia Investigation R Prem
? Impose Order P OTSD
? Insurrection C TMP
? Intelligence Operation U Dom
? Intercept Maquis C* DS9
? Intercept Renegade C* DS9
? Inversion Mystery U Voy
? Investigate Alien Probe R Prem
? Investigate Anomaly C Prem
? Investigate Anomaly II P EP
? Investigate Coup U Dom
? Investigate Disappearance R Prem
? Investigate Disturbance R Prem
? Investigate Incursion P OTSD
? Investigate Legend R QC
? Investigate Massacre R Prem
? Investigate Quantum Singularity R Voy
? Investigate Raid R Prem
? Investigate Rogue Comet R Prem
? Investigate Rumors R DS9
? Investigate “Shattered Space” R Prem
? Investigate Sighting R Prem
? Investigate Sighting II P EP
? Investigate Time Continuum R Prem
? Kazon Conference U Voy
? Khitomer Research R Prem
? Kressari Rendezvous C* DS9
? Krios Suppression U Prem
? Liberation U Voy
? Maintenance Overhaul U Borg
? Market Research C RoA
? Medical Relief R Prem
? Military Exercises P SD2
? Mine Dilithium U MM
? Mine Gallicite C HA
? Mineral Survey P OTSD
? Mining Survey U Dom
? Nebula C QC
? New Contact R Prem
? Observe Ritual C TMP
? Orb Negotiations U DS9
? Patrol Neutral Zone U FC
? Paxan “Wormhole” R QC
? Pegasus Search R Prem
? Plague Planet R QC
? Planet C FC
? Plunder Site U Prem
? Prevent Annihilation U Voy
? Prison Break U Voy
? Protect Shipment U Dom
? Purchase Moon U RoA
? Qualor II Rendezvous U AU
? Quash Conspiracy R AU
? Quest for the Sword U Dom
? Refuse Immigration C* DS9
? Reignite Dead Star C* DS9
? Reinitialize Warp Reaction U Voy
? Relief Mission C Prem
? Relief Mission II P EP
? Relocate Settlers C* DS9
? Reopen Dig C 2PG
? Repair Memorial U HA
? Repair Mission C Prem
? Repair Null Space Catapult U Borg
? Reported Activity C 2PG
? Rescue Founder U Dom
? Rescue Prisoners C* DS9
? Research Phage U Voy
? Restock Supplies U Voy
? Restore Errant Moon U Prem
? Restore Victims R Voy
? Return Life-form U Voy
? Reunion R AU
? Revive Settlers U Voy
? Risa Shore Leave R AU
? Runabout Search U RoA
? Salvage Operation U Voy
? Samaritan Snare R QC
? Sarthong Plunder R Prem
? Seal Rift U HA
? Search and Rescue C* DS9
? Search for Rebels U MM
? Search for Survivors C* DS9
? Search for Weapons P SD2
? Secret Salvage U Prem
? Secret Salvage II P EP
? Secure Station C Borg
? Security Briefing U Dom
? Seek Life-form R Prem
? Sensitive Search C 2PG
? Space C QC
? Stop Bombardment U Voy
? Strategic Diversion U Prem
? Study Badlands U DS9
? Study Cometary Cloud P SD2
? Study “Hole in Space” R Prem
? Study Interment Site C Voy
? Study Interstellar Colony U Voy
? Study Lonka Pulsar R Prem
? Study Nebula R Prem
? Study Plasma Storm C* DS9
? Study Plasma Streamer C Prem
? Study Protonebula U HA
? Study Pulsar P SD2
? Study Stellar Collision C Prem
? Survey Instability C 2PG
? Survey Mission R Prem
? Survey Star System U DS9
? Symbiont Diagnosis R DS9
? Tak Tak Negotiation C Voy
? Tarchannen Study R QC
? Test Mission C Prem
? Test Mission II P EP
? Test Propulsion Systems P OTSD
? The Discovery of Sha Ka Ree C TMP
? Transport Colonists C HA
? Tulaberry Wine Negotiations U RoA
? Uncover DNA Clues U Dom
? Unseat Dictator U Voy
? Verify Evidence C* DS9
? Warped Space R AU
? Wormhole Negotiations R Prem
? Assign Mission Specialists C FC
? Assign Mission Specialists C Voy
? Assign Support Personnel C TWT
? Assimilate Counterpart U FC
? Assimilate Homeworld R FC
? Assimilate Planet C FC
? Assimilate Planet C Borg
? Assimilate Species R Borg
? Assimilate Starship U FC
? Assimilate Starship U Borg
? Bajoran Resistance Cell U HA
? Beware of Q C DS9
? Boarding Party U Voy
? Build Interplexing Beacon R FC
? Collect Metaphasic Particles U TMP
? Commandeer Ship U BoG
? Commandeer Ship U Voy
? Construct Starship R MM
? Council of Warriors R TWT
? Defend Homeworld U TWT
? Divert Power U Voy
? Eliminate Starship U FC
? Eliminate Starship U Borg
? Engage Cloak U Dom
? Establish Dominion Foothold U Dom
? Establish Gateway C FC
? Establish Gateway C Borg
? Establish Tractor Lock R DS9
? Establish Trade Route C RoA
? Examine Singularity U BoG
? Explore Gamma Quadrant U DS9
? Ferengi Conference C RoA
? File Mission Report U DS9
? For Cardassia! U MM
? Forced-Labor Camp U RoA
? Harness Particle 010 R Borg
? Hero of the Empire U TWT
? HQ: Defensive Measures U DS9
? HQ: Return Orb to Bajor R DS9
? HQ: Secure Homeworld U DS9
? Hunting Group C HA
? Impersonate Captive R BoG
? Install Autonomic Systems Parasite U Dom
? Issue Secret Orders R Dom
? Navigate Plasma Storms U DS9
? Omega Directive U Borg
? Open Diplomatic Relations P OTSD
? Operate Wormhole Relays U Dom
? Orbital Bombardment R HA
? Organ Theft U Voy
? Plans of the Obsidian Order R DS9
? Plans of the Tal Shiar R DS9
? Post Garrison U Dom
? Prepare Assault Teams U FC
? Prepare the Prisoner U BoG
? Process Ore U DS9
? Reassimilate Lost Drone U Borg
? Reflection Therapy P OTSD
? Rescue Personnel R DS9
? Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold U TMP
? Salvage Starship R FC
? Stop First Contact R FC
? Subjugate Planet C Dom
? The Emperor’s New Cloak U MM
? Visit Cochrane Memorial R FC
? Anara C DS9
? Bareil R+ MM
? Bareil Antos R DS9
? Colonel Day R DS9
? Commander Leeta R MM
? Els Renora U HA
? First Minister Shakaar R+ TWT
? Furel U BoG
? Gantt C MM
? General Hazar C Dom
? General Krim R DS9
? Iden R+ HA
? Jabara U DS9
? Jaro Essa R DS9
? Javek Len C MM
? Kai Opaka R DS9
? Kai Winn R Dom
? Kallis Ven C DS9
? Keeve Falor C Dom
? Kira Nerys R DS9
? Leeta R RoA
? Lenaris Holem R DS9
? Li Nalas R DS9
? Lupaza U BoG
? Mardah U RoA
? Minister Rozahn C DS9
? Mora Pol R DS9
? Nalan Bal C DS9
? Neela R DS9
? Odo R DS9
? Orta U Dom
? Overseer Odo R+ MM
? Pallra R DS9
? Prylar Mond C DS9
? Rano Dake C DS9
? Rase Norvan C DS9
? Razka Karn R DS9
? Riker Wil R BoG
? Rinnak Pire C DS9
? Ro Laren R BoG
? Romara Cal C MM
? Sarish Rez U TWT
? Shakaar Edon R DS9
? Surmak Ren R DS9
? Tabor R Voy
? Tahna Los R DS9
? Taymar Bern C MM
? Teero Anaydis R HA
? The Emissary P AT
? The Intendant R+ MM
? Trazko U DS9
? Varis Sul U DS9
? Vedek Dax P 2A
? Vedek Sorad C DS9
? Vedek Winn R DS9
? Weld Ram C DS9
? Zayra R Dom
? Bareil of Borg P EFC
? Borg Queen R FC
? Borg Queen R+ Borg
? Dukat of Borg P EFC
? Eight of Eighteen C Borg
? Eight of Fifteen C Borg
? Eight of Nineteen C FC
? Eighteen of Nineteen C FC
? Eleven of Eighteen C Borg
? Eleven of Nineteen C FC
? Eleven of Seventeen P EFC
? Eleven of Twelve C Borg
? Fifteen of Seventeen C FC
? Fifth R+ Borg
? First R+ Borg
? Five of Eleven C FC
? Four of Eleven C FC
? Four of Nine R+ Borg
? Gowron of Borg P EFC
? Locutus of Borg SR Fajo
? Nine of Eleven C FC
? Nine of Fifteen C Borg
? Nine of Seventeen C FC
? Nine of Twelve C Borg
? One of Eleven C FC
? Second R+ Borg
? Seven of Nine Pv Dom
? Seven of Nine R+ Borg
? Seventeen of Eighteen C Borg
? Six of Eleven C FC
? Six of Nineteen P EFC
? Six of Seventeen C FC
? Six of Thirteen C TWT
? Six of Twelve C Borg
? Sixteen of Nineteen C FC
? Ten of Nineteen C FC
? Third and Fourth R+ Borg
? Third of Five R+ TWT
? Thirteen of Nineteen C FC
? Three of Nine R+ Borg
? Three of Nineteen C FC
? Tomalak of Borg P EFC
? Two of Eleven C FC
? Two of Nine R+ Borg
? Two of Nineteen C FC
? Two of Seventeen C FC
? Two of Twelve C Borg
? Weyoun of Borg R+ MM
? Aamin Marritza R DS9
? Aramax C MM
? Ari C DS9
? Benil U RoA
? Boheeka R DS9
? Boone Impersonator R BoG
? Borad R DS9
? Broca U TWT
? Crell Moset R+ HA
? Dakol C DS9
? Damar R Dom
? Danar R DS9
? Daro U Dom
? Dejar U Dom
? Derell C DS9
? Dolak U BoG
? Doran C HA
? Dorza C MM
? Dukat R DS9
? Ekoor U HA
? Elim R BoG
? Elim Garak R DS9
? Enabran Tain R DS9
? Entek R DS9
? Garak Pv 1A
? Garak R Dom
? Ghoren C DS9
? Gilora Rejal R DS9
? Gul Madred R BoG
? Harath C HA
? Hogue U DS9
? Jasad U DS9
? Jural C DS9
? Kejal R+ HA
? Kira R+ TWT
? Korinas R DS9
? Kotran Pa’Dar U DS9
? Kovat R DS9
? Legate Damar P 2A
? Lemec R RoA
? Macet U Dom
? Makbar R DS9
? Mila U HA
? Natima Lang R DS9
? Overseer Mardel U MM
? Parn C DS9
? Perak C DS9
? Plain, Simple Garak R DS9
? Rekelen C DS9
? Rusot U HA
? Security Chief Garak R+ MM
? Seska R Voy
? Seskal U HA
? Silarin Prin U Dom
? Tekeny Ghemor R DS9
? Telle C Dom
? Thrax U MM
? Tora Ziyal R DS9
? Toran R DS9
? Turrel R DS9
? Ulani Belor C DS9
? Vornar C HA
? Amat’igan R Dom
? Amet’alox C TWT
? Arak’Taral U Dom
? Azet’izan C Dom
? Bashir Founder P 2A
? Borath R Dom
? Dar C HA
? Deyos R RoA
? Duran’Adar C BoG
? Edan’Atal C RoA
? Eris C Dom
? Founder U Dom
? Founder Leader R Dom
? Gelnon R BoG
? Goran’Agar R Dom
? Gurat’urak C Dom
? Hanok U RoA
? Ikat’Ika R RoA
? Inglatu C RoA
? Ixtana’Rax R BoG
? Keevan R Dom
? Kilana R Dom
? Kira Founder R Dom
? Koret’alak C Dom
? Krajensky Founder R RoA
? Kudak’Etan R BoG
? Lam C TWT
? Lamat’Ukan U BoG
? Leyton Founder R Dom
? Limara’Son C Dom
? Lovok Founder R Dom
? Luaran R MM
? Makla’Gor C Dom
? Martok Founder R Dom
? Meso’Clan U Dom
? O’Brien Founder R Dom
? Odo Founder R BoG
? Oken’alak C BoG
? Omet’iklan R Dom
? Ornithar C Dom
? Remata’Klan R Dom
? Talak’talan R Dom
? Temo’Zuma C Dom
? Thot Gor R+ TWT
? Thot Pran U TWT
? Toman’torax R Dom
? Umat’Adan U BoG
? Varat’idan C TWT
? Virak’kara C Dom
? Weyoun R Dom
? Wodek’idan C HA
? Yak’Talon C Dom
? Yelgren R Dom
? Young Jem’Hadar C Dom
? Zyree C Dom
? Admiral Cartwright U TMP
? Admiral Hayes R FC
? Admiral J. P. Hanson R+ HA
? Admiral Kirk R+ TMP
? Admiral Leyton R Dom
? Admiral McCoy P 2PG
? Admiral Picard P 2PG
? Admiral Riker Pv Dom
? Admiral Ross R BoG
? Albert Einstein R Prem
? Alexander Rozhenko U Prem
? Alynna Nechayev R Prem
? Alyssa Ogawa U Prem
? Alyssa Ogawa R FC
? Amanda Grayson R+ TMP
? Ambassador Krajensky U RoA
? Ambassador Sarek R+ TMP
? Angelo Tassoni C Borg
? Ayala C Voy
? B.G. Robinson U TWT
? B’Elanna Torres R Voy
? Benjamin Maxwell U Prem
? Benjamin Sisko R DS9
? Beverly Crusher R Prem
? Beverly Crusher R FC
? Beverly Picard R AU
? Boothby R+ HA
? Calloway C Prem
? Captain Bashir R+ MM
? Captain Dax R+ MM
? Captain Kirk Pv Dom
? Captain Kirk R+ TWT
? Captain Spock R+ TMP
? Captain Styles U TMP
? Captain Sulu R+ TMP
? Carol Marcus R TMP
? Cavit C Voy
? Chakotay R Voy
? Chell U Voy
? Chief Engineer Scott R+ MM
? Chief Navigator Chekov R+ MM
? Chief Surgeon McCoy R+ MM
? Christopher Hobson C Prem
? Clark Terrell U TMP
? Comm Officer Uhura R+ MM
? Commander Chekov R+ TMP
? Commander Data P 2PG
? Commander Rand R TMP
? Commander Troi P 2PG
? Commander Uhura R+ TMP
? Crewman Wilson C MM
? Darian Wallace C Prem
? Data R Prem
? Data R FC
? Data and Geordi P EP
? David Marcus R TMP
? Deanna Troi R Prem
? Deanna Troi R FC
? Deanna Troi R+ Borg
? Demora Sulu U TMP
? Dmitri Valtane U TMP
? Donald Varley R BoG
? Dr. Chapel R+ TMP
? Dr. Farralon R MM
? Dr. Fitzgerald C Voy
? Dr. Gillian Taylor R+ *TMP
? Dr. La Forge R Prem
? Dr. Leah Brahms R Prem
? Dr. McCoy R+ TMP
? Dr. McCoy UR TWT
? Dr. Royse C FC
? Dr. Selar U Prem
? Dulmer R+ TWT
? E.M.H. – Mark II U HA
? E.M.H. Program U FC
? Edward Jellico R+ HA
? Elizabeth Lense R RoA
? Enrique Muniz R BoG
? Ensign Chekov R+ TWT
? Ensign Davis C MM
? Ensign Gaffney C MM
? Ensign O’Brien R+ TWT
? Ensign Tuvok Pv 1A
? Ensign Tuvok R TMP
? Equinox Doctor R+ Borg
? Eric Pressman U Prem
? Exocomp U Prem
? Ezri Dax R+ HA
? First Officer Spock UR MM
? Fleet Admiral Shanthi U Prem
? Geordi La Forge R Prem
? Geordi La Forge R FC
? George Primmin R RoA
? Gibson C QC
? Giusti C Prem
? Graham Davis C DS9
? Guinan SR Fajo
? Hannah Bates U Prem
? Harry Kim R Voy
? Hawk U FC
? Henreid C TMP
? Hogan C Borg
? Ian Andrew Troi R AU
? Icheb R+ *Borg
? Ilia U TMP
? Ilon Tandro R BoG
? Inge Eiger C FC
? J. T. Esteban U TMP
? Jace Michaels C DS9
? Jack Crusher R AU
? Jacobson C TMP
? Jadzia Dax R DS9
? Jake and Nog R DS9
? Jake Sisko R+ MM
? James T. Kirk UR TMP
? James Tiberius Kirk R+ MM
? Jaresh-Inyo R Dom
? Jean-Luc and Beverly P EP
? Jean-Luc Picard R Prem
? Jean-Luc Picard R FC
? Jenna D’Sora U Prem
? John Harriman R+ TMP
? Joseph Carey C Voy
? Joseph Travis C FC
? Julian Bashir R DS9
? Juliana Tainer R QC
? Kareel Odan U Prem
? Karen Loews C DS9
? Katherine Pulaski R QC
? Kathryn Janeway R Voy
? K’Ehleyr R Prem
? Keiko O’Brien R QC
? Keogh R Dom
? Kes R *Voy
? Lal R QC
? Leah Brahms R Prem
? Lewis Zimmerman R+ HA
? Lightner U FC
? Linda Larson C Prem
? Lisa Azar U FC
? Lojal C DS9
? Lojur C TMP
? Lon Suder R Voy
? Lt. Bailey R+ TWT
? Lt. Bashir R+ TWT
? Lt. D’Amato U TWT
? Lt. Dax R+ TWT
? Lt. Grant C TWT
? Lt. (j.g.) Picard U AU
? Lt. Kyle U MM
? Lt. Moreau U MM
? Lt. Nagata U TWT
? Lt. Sisko P TWT
? Lt. Sulu R+ TWT
? Lt. Uhura R+ TWT
? Lt. Watley U TWT
? Lucsly R+ TWT
? Luther Sloan P 2A
? Lwaxanna Troi R Prem
? Marauder C MM
? Mariah Henley C Voy
? Marika R+ *Borg
? Mark Tobiaston C TMP
? Marla Gilmore U Voy
? Marlena Moreau R+ MM
? Matthew Dougherty U TMP
? Maxwell Burke R Voy
? McKnight C Prem
? Mendon C Prem
? Mezoti R+ *Borg
? Michael Eddington R Dom
? Miles O’Brien SR Fajo
? Miles O’Brien R BoG
? Mirasta Yale U QC
? Mitchell U Voy
? Montgomery Scott C AU
? Mordock U QC
? Morgan Bateson R Prem
? Mortimer Harren U Voy
? Mot the Barber U Prem
? Mr. Andrews C MM
? Mr. Homn R QC
? Mr. Scott R+ TWT
? Mr. Scott R+ TMP
? Mr. Spock R+ TWT
? Mr. Tuvok R MM
? Naomi Wildman U HA
? Neela Daren R Prem
? Neelix R *Voy
? Nikolai Rozhenko U Prem
? Nilz Baris U TWT
? Noah Lessing U Voy
? Nog R RoA
? Norah Satie U Prem
? Nurse Chapel R+ MM
? Obarakeh C FC
? Orren Ran C DS9
? Paul Porter R FC
? Paul Rice U AU
? Paxton Reese C DS9
? Prot U MM
? Rachel Garrett R AU
? Rager U QC
? Rebi and Azan R+ *Borg
? Reginald Barclay R Prem
? Reginald Barclay R FC
? Reginald Barclay UR Borg
? Richard Castillo U AU
? Richard Galen R Prem
? Richard Wilkins C FC
? Riley Frazier R+ *Borg
? Riva U Prem
? Ro Laren R Prem
? Robin Lefler U QC
? Rollins U Voy
? Rom R RoA
? Rudolph Ransom R Voy
? Saavik R+ TMP
? Sakkath U QC
? Sam Lavelle C HA
? Samantha Wildman R Voy
? Sarek R Prem
? Sarita Carson C BoG
? Satelk R Prem
? Security Chief Sulu R+ MM
? Seven of Nine R *Voy
? Shelby R Prem
? Simon Tarses C Prem
? Sir Isaac Newton R Prem
? Sirna Kolrami U Prem
? Sito Jaxa C Prem
? Smiley R+ MM
? Sonya Gomez U QC
? Soren U Prem
? Spock P 2PG
? St. John Talbot U TMP
? Stadi C Voy
? Sumek C HA
? Tabor R *Voy
? Tahglio C TMP
? Taitt C Prem
? Tam Elbrun R Prem
? Tasha Yar R Prem
? Tasha Yar – Alternate R AU
? Taurik C Prem
? Taylor Moore C DS9
? The Doctor R Voy
? The E.C.H. R+ HA
? Thomas McClure U FC
? Thomas Riker R Prem
? Thompson C Voy
? T’Lar U TMP
? T’Lor C DS9
? Toby Russell U Prem
? Tom Paris R Voy
? T’Pan U Prem
? Transporter Chief Kyle U MM
? T’Shanik U QC
? Tuvok R Voy
? Valeris R TMP
? Vash R Prem
? Voight C TMP
? Vorik R Voy
? Weiss R+ HA
? Wesley Crusher R Prem
? Willard Decker R+ TMP
? William T. Riker R Prem
? William T. Riker R FC
? William Telfer C Voy
? Worf R Prem
? Worf R FC
? Berik U RoA
? Birta U RoA
? Bractor R RoA
? Brunt R RoA
? Dr. Arridor R Voy
? Dr. Borts C RoA
? Falar U TWT
? Frool C RoA
? Gaila R RoA
? Gegis R Borg
? Goss U RoA
? Gral R RoA
? Grand Nagus Gint R RoA
? Grand Nagus Zek R RoA
? Ishka R RoA
? Kazago U RoA
? Kol R Voy
? Krax U RoA
? Krunk C RoA
? Leck R RoA
? Letek C RoA
? Lumba R+ TWT
? Lurin R RoA
? Maihar’du R RoA
? Mordoc C TWT
? Morta U RoA
? Mr. Brunt R+ MM
? Mr. Nog R+ MM
? Mr. Quark R+ MM
? Mr. Rom R+ MM
? Nava C RoA
? Nibor U RoA
? Nilva C RoA
? Nunk U Borg
? Omag R RoA
? Par Lenor U RoA
? Pel U RoA
? Prak C RoA
? Qol C RoA
? Quark R RoA
? Solok C RoA
? Sovak U RoA
? Taar C RoA
? The Trois P EP
? Tog U RoA
? Tol U RoA
? Yeggie U Borg
? Dar C *HA
? Davar C Borg
? Decaren R Borg
? Donik R+ Borg
? Doran C *HA
? Gann R Borg
? Garren C *HA
? Hajur R+ Borg
? Harath C *HA
? Harkan C Borg
? Iden R+ *HA
? Idrin R Borg
? Jetarn C Borg
? Jorik R Borg
? Karon R Borg
? Karr R+ Borg
? Kejal R+ *HA
? Konuric C Borg
? Netek R+ Borg
? Ranjen C Borg
? Sumek C *HA
? Takirac U Borg
? Turanj U Borg
? Vurond C Borg
? Weiss R+ *HA
? Wodek’idan C *HA
? Corez C Voy
? Culluh R Voy
? Haliz U Voy
? Halok C Voy
? Haron R Voy
? Jabin U Voy
? Karden R Voy
? Lagren U Borg
? Loran U Voy
? Maniz C Voy
? Minnis R Voy
? Narret C Voy
? Rabek C Voy
? Razik R Voy
? Rettick U Voy
? Ril C Voy
? Rulat U HA
? Saldin C Voy
? Seska R *Voy
? Surat R Borg
? Tanar C Borg
? Tersa U Voy
? Tierna R Voy
? Valek U Voy
? Arne Darvin R+ TWT
? Atul U Dom
? Azetbur U TMP
? Ba’el U Prem
? Batrell C Prem
? B’Elanna Daughter of Miral R+ HA
? B’Etor R Prem
? B’iJik C Prem
? Bo’rak R DS9
? Brigadier Kerla R TMP
? Captain Kang R+ TMP
? Captain Koloth P TWT
? Chancellor Gorkon R+ TMP
? Chancellor Gowron R+ HA
? Ch’dak C TMP
? Ch’Pok R Dom
? Ch’Regha U Borg
? Colonel Worf R+ TMP
? Daval C TWT
? D’Ghor R DS9
? Divok C Prem
? Dukath C Prem
? Duras R Prem
? Fek’lhr U Prem
? General Chang R+ TMP
? General Korrd U TMP
? Gi’ral P 2PG
? Gorath C Prem
? Governor Worf R AU
? Gowron R Prem
? Grilka R DS9
? Hon’Tihl U BoG
? Jadzia Dax R BoG
? Ja’rod P 2PG
? J’Ddan C Prem
? Jodmos P 2A
? Kahless R Prem
? Kahlest U QC
? Kamarag U TMP
? Kamok C Borg
? Kang R BoG
? Kargan R Prem
? Kar’meth C HA
? Karnog C TMP
? Kavok R BoG
? K’chiQ C QC
? Kell U Prem
? Kered C TWT
? Kitrik U QC
? Klaa U TMP
? Klag C Prem
? Kle’eg C Prem
? K’mpec U Prem
? K’mtar R AU
? K’nera U QC
? Kohlar R Borg
? Koloth R BoG
? Komal C TMP
? Konmel U Prem
? Kor R BoG
? Koral U Prem
? Korax U TWT
? Kor’choth C TMP
? Koroth U Prem
? Korris U Prem
? Korvek C MM
? Koth U TMP
? Kras U TWT
? Krase R+ TMP
? Kromm C Prem
? Kruge R+ TMP
? K’Tal U Prem
? K’Tesh C Prem
? Kurak R Prem
? Kurn R Prem
? K’Vada U Prem
? L’Kor U Prem
? Loreva C MM
? Lursa R Prem
? Maltz U TMP
? Margh R RoA
? Martok R Dom
? Mogh P 2PG
? Morag U Prem
? Morak U Borg
? Morka R DS9
? N’Garen U BoG
? Nirok U HA
? Nu’Daq U Prem
? Quark Son of Keldar Pv 1A
? Quark Son of Keldar R BoG
? Regent Worf R+ MM
? Regnor C TMP
? Rinox U MM
? Rukor U MM
? Sons of Mogh P EP
? Targ C AU
? Telok U MM
? T’Greth U Borg
? Thopok U TWT
? T’Kar U DS9
? Toq U Prem
? Torak U Prem
? Toral U Prem
? Torg R TMP
? Torin C Prem
? Tumek U TWT
? T’Vor C MM
? Vagh U Prem
? Valkris U TMP
? Vartoq C MM
? Vekma C Prem
? Vixis U TMP
? Voktak C BoG
? Wo’Din C BoG
? Worf Son of Mogh Pv Dom
? Worf Son of Mogh R BoG
? Woteln C TMP
? Yeto R DS9
? Zetal C BoG
? 10 and 01 R Dom
? Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel R HA
? Ajur U AU
? Altovar R DS9
? Aluura R RoA
? Amarie U Prem
? Amaros C DS9
? Anastasia Komananov R+ HA
? Angelo Tassoni C *Borg
? Anya U Dom
? Arachnia R+ HA
? Arandis R RoA
? Arturis R Voy
? Ayala C *Voy
? Balok U MM
? Baran U Prem
? Barash R HA
? Barry Waddle R+ TWT
? B’Elanna R+ Borg
? B’Elanna Torres R *Voy
? Berlingoff Rasmussen R AU
? Beverly and Will P EP
? Bok U Prem
? Boratus U AU
? Buster Kincaid R HA
? Calandra C RoA
? Captain Chakotay R+ Borg
? Captain Proton R+ HA
? Carlos R HA
? Chakotay R *Voy
? Chaotica R HA
? Chell U *Voy
? Coutu C DS9
? Cravic Unit 122 C HA
? Cyrus Redblock U HA
? Danderdag C TWT
? Data’s Body R QC
? Dathon R AU
? Deputy Rozhenko U HA
? Devinoni Ral U Prem
? Dixon Hill UR HA
? Dr. Farek C Prem
? Dr. Gillian Taylor R+ TMP
? Dr. Ma’Bor Jetrel R Voy
? Dr. Neria U Voy
? Dr. Noah R+ HA
? Dr. Nydom C DS9
? Dr. Reyga U Prem
? Dr. Roger Korby U MM
? Dr. Soong SR Fajo
? Dr. Tolian Soran R+ TMP
? Duchamps R+ HA
? Durango R+ HA
? Eli Hollander U HA
? Equinox Doctor R+ *Borg
? Etana Jol U Prem
? E’Tyshra U DS9
? Evek U Prem
? Ezri R+ MM
? Falcon R+ HA
? Felix Leech U HA
? Fennim R Borg
? Fontaine R+ MM
? Frank Hollander R+ HA
? Galen R QC
? Gallatin R TMP
? Gem U TWT
? Gorta C Prem
? Grebnedlog R+ TWT
? Hagath R RoA
? Hajur R+ *Borg
? Hogan C *Borg
? Icheb R+ Borg
? Ira Graves R QC
? Ishara Yar U Prem
? Jaheel C DS9
? Jenice Manheim U QC
? Joachim R TMP
? Jo’Bril U Prem
? John Doe U QC
? John Watson R+ HA
? J’Onn U TMP
? Kalita C DS9
? Kareen Brianon U QC
? Kasidy Yates R RoA
? Kathleen Tonell U FC
? Kes R Voy
? Kes R+ Borg
? Khan R+ TMP
? Kivas Fajo SR Fajo
? Kova Tholl U QC
? Krozh C RoA
? Kurros R Voy
? Lakanta U AU
? Lansor U Borg
? Leonardo da Vinci R HA
? Liam Bilby U TWT
? Lily R HA
? Lily Sloane R FC
? Lon Suder R *Voy
? Lonzak U HA
? Lore SR Fajo
? Mabus U Borg
? Madam Guinan R QC
? Madam Pulaski U HA
? Madred R QC
? Magistrate Drang S Voy
? Maques U AU
? Mariah Henley C *Voy
? Marika R+ Borg
? Marla Gilmore U *Voy
? Marouk U QC
? Martia U TMP
? Martus Mazur R DS9
? Mas’ud C TMP
? Maxwell Burke R *Voy
? Mezoti R+ Borg
? Mickey D. U AU
? Minuet R HA
? Mona Luvsitt R HA
? Morn R RoA
? Mortal Q R QC
? Mr. Garak R+ HA
? Mr. Sisko R+ MM
? Narik C Prem
? Neelix R Voy
? Nick Locarno R QC
? Nicki the Nose U HA
? Nimira S Voy
? Noah Lessing U *Voy
? Ocett U Prem
? Odo R+ TWT
? One R+ Borg
? Orum R+ Borg
? Pa’rena C TMP
? Paul Manheim R QC
? Paxim C Voy
? P’Chan U Borg
? Penk R Voy
? Pralor Unit 3947 U HA
? Pralor Unit 6263 C HA
? Professor Honey Bare R+ HA
? Professor Moriarty R+ HA
? Professor Sisko R+ MM
? Rae’alin C TMP
? Rax’Na C DS9
? Rebi and Azan R+ Borg
? Regina Barthalomew U HA
? Reginod U TWT
? Retaya R DS9
? Riley Frazier R+ Borg
? Rionoj C DS9
? Roga Danar R Prem
? Ru’afo R+ TMP
? Rudolph Ransom R *Voy
? Ruk R MM
? Sakonna R DS9
? Salia R Dom
? Sam’po C TMP
? Samuel Clemens U QC
? Sarod C TMP
? Secret Agent Julian Bashir R+ HA
? Sevek U FC
? Seven of Nine R Voy
? Sharat U DS9
? Sharic C TMP
? Sheriff Worf R+ HA
? Sherlock Holmes R+ HA
? Sigmund Freud R HA
? Solkar R FC
? Soong-type Android C QC
? Soto U Dom
? Sullin R Borg
? Suna P OTSD
? Sybok U TMP
? Tanis R Voy
? Tarmin R QC
? The Albino R BoG
? The Artificial Intelligence U Borg
? The Pendari Champion UR Voy
? The President of Earth R HA
? The Traveler P AT
? The Twin Mistresses of Evil U HA
? Thomas Paris Pv 1A
? Thomas Paris R MM
? Thompson C *Voy
? Timicin U QC
? T’Shonra U FC
? Ty Kajada C DS9
? Vekor C Prem
? Ves Alkar U QC
? Vic Fontaine R+ HA
? Wajahut C TMP
? Worf R+ TWT
? Wyatt Earp U MM
? Yint C TWT
? Zef’No R DS9
? Zefram Cochrane R FC
? Zon R QC
? George and Gracie U TMP
? Spot SR Fajo
? Alidar Jarok R Prem
? Ambassador Tomalak R BoG
? Bochra U Prem
? Caithlin Dar U TMP
? Chief O’Brien R BoG
? Commander Charvanek R+ MM
? Commander Tomalak R AU
? Data and Picard P EP
? Dr. Koramar U BoG
? Dr. Telek R’Mor Pv 1A
? Dr. Telek R’Mor R Voy
? D’Tan U AU
? D’vano C MM
? D’Vin C BoG
? Galathon C Prem
? Garren C HA
? Gorrus C MM
? Jaron C Prem
? Jenok C TWT
? Jera C Prem
? Kalenna U TWT
? Karina R DS9
? Keras R+ TWT
? Koval P 2A
? La Forge Impersonator R BoG
? Lovok R Dom
? Major Rakal R AU
? Mendak R Prem
? Mirok U Prem
? Mopak C BoG
? Movar U Prem
? Nanclus R TMP
? Navok C BoG
? Neral U Prem
? Nevala R Voy
? N’Vek U Prem
? Orum R+ *Borg
? Palteth C Prem
? Pardek U Prem
? Parem U Prem
? Parthok R BoG
? Patahk R RoA
? Praetor Neral R+ HA
? Rekar R Voy
? R’Mal C BoG
? Ruwon R DS9
? Sela R Prem
? Selok C Prem
? Selveth R DS9
? Senator Cretak R RoA
? Senator Letant R BoG
? Senator Vreenak R Dom
? Sirol U QC
? Sisters of Duras SR Fajo
? Sorus R DS9
? Stefan DeSeve R AU
? Subcommander Tal U MM
? Tagus C MM
? Taibak U Prem
? Takket C Prem
? Tallera SR Fajo
? Tallus C Prem
? Tamarith U BoG
? Taris R QC
? Tarus C Prem
? Taul C Prem
? Tebok U Prem
? Telak U QC
? Tharket U BoG
? The Centurion R+ TWT
? Thei C Prem
? Thenelak C Borg
? Tokath U Prem
? Tomalak R Prem
? Tomek C Prem
? Toreth R Prem
? T’Rul U Dom
? Vakis R DS9
? Varel C Prem
? Velal R+ TWT
? Danara Pel R Voy
? Dereth R Voy
? Dilanum C Borg
? Drenol C Voy
? Hophalin C Voy
? Losarus C Voy
? Maleth C HA
? Motura R Voy
? Nadirum C Voy
? Nirata C Voy
? Sethis C Voy
? Sinaren C Borg
? Sorum C Voy
? Sulan R Voy
? Telari C Voy
? Thaden C Voy
? Picard’s Artifical Heart SR Fajo
? Ar-Q-ologist C HA
? Fightin’ Words U DS9
? Go Back Whence Thou Camest C QC
? Guilty – Provisionally U QC
? His Honor, the High Sheriff of
Nottingham U QC
? I Tried To Warn You U DS9
? Mandarin Bailiff C QC
? Pla–Net C QC
? Q-Type Android U TWT
Q’s Fantasy Women
(mislabelled – see Q-ICON EVENT)
? Rhetorical Question U DS9
? Risky Business U DS9
? Hide and Seek P OTSD
? Aldebaran Serpent C QC
? Amanda’s Parents C QC
? Door–Net C QC
? Frigid U QC
? Into the Breach C QC
? Jealous Amanda C QC
? Military Privilege C QC
? Penalty Box U QC
? Q’s Fantasy Women C HA
(mislabelled DILEMMA)
? Scottish Setter C QC
? Tijuana Crass C QC
? Trust Me C QC
? You Will In Time C QC
? Are These Truly Your Friends, Brother? C QC
? Dr. Q, Medicine Entity C QC
? Gift of the Tormentor C QC
? Incoming Message – The Continuum C QC
? Lemon-Aid C QC
? Quandary C HA
? Subsection Q, Paragraph 10 C QC
? The Higher… The Q-Er C QC
? The Issue Is Patriotism U QC
? The Naked Truth C QC
? Wesley Gets the Point U QC
? Where’s Guinan? U QC
? Q’s Planet U QC
? Alliance Interceptor C MM
? Assault Vessel C DS9
? Bajoran Freighter C DS9
? Bajoran Interceptor U DS9
? Bajoran Raider U TWT
? Bajoran Scout Vessel U DS9
? Bajoran Warship R MM
? Borg Cube U FC
? Borg Cube U Borg
? Borg Probe C Borg
? Borg Queen’s Ship R Borg
? Borg Scout Vessel C FC
? Borg Sphere U FC
? Borg Tactical Cube R Borg
? Locutus’ Borg Cube R BoG
? Queen’s Borg Cube R FC
? Queen’s Borg Sphere R FC
? Aldara R DS9
? Alliance Galor C MM
? Bok’Nor U TWT
? Cardassian Shuttle C DS9
? Galor C DS9
? Groumall R DS9
? Keldon C BoG
? Keldon Advanced R Dom
? Kraxon R BoG
? Military Freighter U DS9
? Naprem R RoA
? Patrol Ship C RoA
? Prakesh R DS9
? Stolen Attack Ship R TWT
? Trager R Dom
? Alpha Attack Ship U BoG
? Breen Warship R TWT
? Dominion Battleship R TWT
? Enhanced Attack Ship U MM
? Jem’Hadar Attack Ship C Dom
? Jem’Hadar Warship U Dom
? Karemman Vessel C RoA
? Weyoun’s Warship R TWT
? Columbus C TWT
? Defiant R+ MM
? Delta Flyer R Voy
? Future Enterprise UR AU
? H.M.S. Bounty R+ TMP
? I.S.S. Constitution C MM
? I.S.S. Enterprise R+ MM
? Rebel Interceptor C MM
? Runabout C Prem
? Starship Constitution C TWT
? Starship Constitution C TMP
? Starship Enterprise R+ TWT
? Starship Enterprise R+ TMP
? Starship Excelsior R+ TMP
? Type 18 Shuttlepod U MM
? Type 9 Shuttlecraft C Voy
? Type VI Shuttlecraft C Prem
? U.S.S. Bozeman U FC
? U.S.S. Brittain R Prem
? U.S.S. Danube C DS9
? U.S.S. Dauntless R+ *Borg
? U.S.S. Defiant Pv DS9
? U.S.S. Defiant R Dom
? U.S.S. Enterprise R Prem
? U.S.S. Enterprise-A R+ TMP
? U.S.S. Enterprise-B U TMP
? U.S.S. Enterprise-C R AU
? U.S.S. Enterprise-E R FC
? U.S.S. Equinox R Voy
? U.S.S. Excelsior C Prem
? U.S.S. Galaxy C Prem
? U.S.S. Hood R Prem
? U.S.S. Intrepid C Voy
? U.S.S. Jupiter P Arm
? U.S.S. Miranda C Prem
? U.S.S. Nebula C Prem
? U.S.S. Oberth C Prem
? U.S.S. Odyssey U Dom
? U.S.S. Pasteur SR Fajo
? U.S.S. Phoenix R Prem
? U.S.S. Prometheus R+ Borg
? U.S.S. Reliant R+ *TMP
? U.S.S. Rio Grande R Dom
? U.S.S. Sao Paulo R RoA
? U.S.S. Stargazer R QC
? U.S.S. Sutherland U Prem
? U.S.S. Thunderchild R BoG
? U.S.S. Voyager R Voy
? U.S.S. Yamato R Prem
? U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang R DS9
? B’rel C RoA
? Brunt’s Shuttle R TWT
? D’Kora Marauder C RoA
? D’Kora Transport C RoA
? Ferengi Shuttle C RoA
? Krayton R RoA
? Kreechta R RoA
? Mirror Ferengi Shuttle U MM
? Quark’s Treasure R RoA
? Trullux U HA
? Hunting Vessel C Borg
? Olarra R+ *HA
? Venatic Hunter R Borg
? Kazon Fighter U Borg
? Kazon Raider C Voy
? Kazon Shuttle C Voy
? Kazon Warship R Voy
? Alliance K'Vort C MM
? Alliance Vor'Cha C MM
? H.M.S. Bounty R+ *TMP
? I.K.C. Amar R TMP
? I.K.C. Bortas R Prem
? I.K.C. Buruk R Prem
? I.K.C. Chang SR Fajo
? I.K.C. Chontay U TMP
? I.K.C. Fek’lhr R AU
? I.K.C. Gr’oth R+ TWT
? I.K.C. Hegh’ta R Prem
? I.K.C. K’elric U TMP
? I.K.C. Ki'tang U MM
? I.K.C. Kla’Diyus R+ TMP
? I.K.C. Koraga R BoG
? I.K.C. K’Ratak C AU
? I.K.C. K’t’inga C TMP
? I.K.C. K’Vort C Prem
? I.K.C. Lukara R BoG
? I.K.C. Maht-H’a R QC
? I.K.C. Negh’Var R BoG
? I.K.C. Ning’tao R TWT
? I.K.C. Pagh R Prem
? I.K.C. Qu’Vat R Prem
? I.K.C. Rotarran R Dom
? I.K.C. Toh’Kaht R DS9
? I.K.C. T’Ong U QC
? I.K.C. Voq’leng R+ Borg
? I.K.C. Vor’Cha C Prem
? I.K.C. Vorn U Prem
? Kronos One R+ TMP
? Regency 1 R MM
? Baxial U HA
? Bothan Vessel U Voy
? Combat Vessel C Prem
? Cravic Warship U HA
? Darmok P OTSD
? Edo Vessel R AU
? Fesarius R MM
? Flaxian Scout Vessel C DS9
? Gomtuu R AU
? Husnock Ship U Prem
? Injector Assembly One U TMP
? Jovis R RoA
? Liberty R+ Borg
? Li’seria U TMP
? Mercenary Ship C Prem
? Miradorn Raider U DS9
? Mondor U TWT
? Olarra R+ HA
? Phoenix R FC
? Pralor Warship U HA
? Rigelian Freighter C DS9
? Son’a Battleship R TMP
? Son’a Shuttle C TMP
? Tama U AU
? The Think Tank’s Ship R Borg
? U.S.S. Dauntless R+ Borg
? U.S.S. Equinox R *Voy
? U.S.S. Reliant R+ TMP
? Vulcan Lander U FC
? Xepolite Freighter C DS9
? Yridian Shuttle C Prem
? Zalkonian Vessel C QC
? Zibalian Transport C Prem
? Apnex R RoA
? Battle Cruiser C MM
? Cha’Joh R DS9
? D’deridex C Prem
? D’deridex Advanced R Dom
? Decius R AU
? Devoras R Prem
? Gal Gath’thong R TWT
? Goraxus R BoG
? Haakona R Prem
? Khazara R Prem
? Pi R Prem
? Romulan Shuttle C BoG
? Science Vessel C Prem
? Scout Vessel C Prem
? Terix R QC
? T’Pau U QC
? U.S.S. Prometheus R+ *Borg
? Vidiian Cruiser R Voy
? Vidiian Interceptor C Voy
? Vidiian Scout Vessel C Voy
? Bajoran Shrine U TWT
? Cargo Bay C RoA
? Commander’s Office U DS9
? Docking Pads U DS9
? Docking Ports C DS9
? Docking Pylons U DS9
? Garak’s Tailor Shop R DS9
? Guest Quarters U DS9
? Holosuite C HA
? Infirmary U DS9
? Ops C DS9
? Ops: Mirror Universe C MM
? Ore Processing Unit U DS9
? Promenade Shops U DS9
? Quark’s Bar R RoA
? Science Lab U DS9
? Security Holding Cell U BoG
? Security Office U DS9
? Attack Wing C BoG
? Bajoran Phaser Banks C TWT
? Borg Cutting Beam R BoG
? Breen Disruptor Burst C TWT
? Breen Energy-Dampening Weapon R TWT
? Chain Reaction Pulsar U TWT
? “Crimson Forcefield” C BoG
? Evasive Maneuvers C BoG
? Ferengi Energy Weapon C RoA
? Full Phaser Spread C BoG
? Isolytic Burst U TMP
? Maximum Firepower R BoG
? Phased Polaron Beam C BoG
? Phaser Banks C BoG
? Photon Torpedo C BoG
? Picard Maneuver R BoG
? Plasma Energy Burst U RoA
? Plasma Torpedo C BoG
? Primary Energy Weapon C BoG
? Pulse Disruptor C BoG
? Pulse Phaser Cannons C BoG
? Quantum Torpedo C BoG
? Riker Maneuver U TMP
? Spiral-Wave Disruptor C BoG
? Strafing Run C BoG
? Target Engines C BoG
? Target Shields C BoG
? Target These Coordinates R BoG
? Target Warp Field Coils C TMP
? Target Weapons C BoG
? Camp Khitomer R TMP
? Cetacean Institute C TMP
? Halkan Council R MM
? Montana Missile Complex R FC
? Sherman’s Peak U TWT
? 1 Tribble (BONUS) C TWT
? 1 Tribble (DISCARD) C TWT
? 1 Tribble (GO) C TWT
? 10 Tribbles (BONUS) U TWT
? 10 Tribbles (GO) U TWT
? 10 Tribbles (POISON) U TWT
? 100 Tribbles (BONUS) U TWT
? 100 Tribbles (POISON) U TWT
? 100 Tribbles (RESCUE) U TWT
? 1,000 Tribbles (BONUS) R* TWT
? 1,000 Tribbles (DISCARD) R* TWT
? 1,000 Tribbles (RESCUE) R* TWT
? 10,000 Tribbles (GO) R+ TWT
? 10,000 Tribbles (POISON) R+ TWT
? 10,000 Tribbles (RESCUE) R+ TWT
? 100,000 Tribbles (CLONE) R+ TWT
? 100,000 Tribbles (DISCARD) R+ TWT
? 100,000 Tribbles (RESCUE) R+ TWT
? … In The Engine Room C TWT
? … In The Transporters C TWT
? … On The Bridge C TWT
? … On The Station C TWT
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