Star Trek

Customizable Card Game

July 2002
The following list contains every non-foil card produced for the Star Trek Customizable Card Game from the Premiere Set (November 1994) through The Motion Pictures expansion (April 2002). The list is organized by card type and includes the rarity and set for each card.
Dual-affliation cards are listed under the affiliation corresponding to the card’s border color (alternate-color border cards are marked with * next to the expansion abbreviation, e.g., *Voy).

Key to Rarity

C Common
C* Common, Starter Deck only (DS9)
U Uncommon
R Rare
R* Bonus Rare (occurs in a two-rare pack)
R+ Rare Plus (33% more rare than R)
UR Ultra-Rare
SR Super Rare (The Fajo Collection)
S Starter Deck only (Voyager)
P Premium
Pv Preview

Key to Expansions

Prem Premiere
AU Alternate Universe
QC Q-Continuum
2PG Introductory Two-Player Game
1A First Anthology
Fajo The Fajo Collection
FC First Contact
AT Away Team Pack
OTSD Official Tournament Sealed Deck
DS9 Deep Space Nine
SD2 Starter Deck II
EFC Enhanced First Contact
Dom The Dominion
BoG Blaze of Glory
RoA Rules of Acquisition
2A Second Anthology
TWT The Trouble With Tribbles
EP Enhanced Premiere
MM Mirror, Mirror
Voy Voyager
Borg The Borg
HA Holodeck Adventures
TMP The Motion Pictures


1962 Roger Maris Baseball Card SR Fajo
Alien Gambling Device R DS9
Antique Machine Gun R FC
Betazoid Gift Box R Prem
Blade of Tkon R QC
Canar R QC
Croden’s Key R Dom
Cryosatellite R AU
Data’s Head R AU
Horga’hn R Prem
Iconian Gateway R AU
Interphase Generator R Prem
Kurlan Naiskos R Prem
Magic Carpet Ride OCD R FC
Mona Lisa R QC
Mysterious Orb R DS9
Ophidian Cane R AU
Orb Fragment R DS9
Orb of Prophecy and Change Pv 1A
Orb of Prophecy and Change R Dom
Orb of Time R TWT
Orb of Wisdom R RoA
Persistence of Memory SR Fajo
Phased Cloaking Device R RoA
Receptacle Stones R AU
Ressikan Flute R AU
Saltah’na Clock R DS9
Samuel Clemens’ Pocketwatch R AU
Starry Night R RoA
Sword of Kahless R BoG
Tantalus Field R MM
The City of B’hala R HA
The Earring of Li Nalas R Dom
The Genesis Device R TMP
Thought Maker R Prem
Time Travel Pod R Prem
Tox Uthat R Prem
Varon-T Disruptor R Prem
Vulcan Stone of Gol R Prem
Zefram Cochrane’s Telescope R FC

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